Representatives from this year’s winning companies receiving their awards at the 2nd Annual Economic Opportunity Awards Ceremony.
On March 1, 2018, JobTrain held its 2nd Annual Economic Opportunity Awards ceremony at LinkedIn’s Mountain View headquarters. Bay Area companies of all sizes were represented at this philanthropic event to celebrate thought-leaders who are working tirelessly to provide career paths for individuals with non-traditional backgrounds, lack of a college education and various other barriers to employment.
Special thanks goes out to our sponsors: LinkedIn, the Founding Sponsor, KPMG, the Premier Sponsor, Workday and Brett Construction our Economic Opportunity Leader Sponsors, ABD Insurance and Atrium Capital, our Community Builder Sponsors, and the San Francisco Business Times, our Media Sponsor.
JobTrain received nearly 50 worthy nominations for this award program and after a rigorous selections process by two independent panels, 6 winners were selected.
Congratulations to the 2018 Economic Opportunity Award winners:
Casa de Redwood, Panera Bread, ProActive Business Solutions, Inc.,
Swinerton Builders, Symantec and zendesk.
Whether or not you were able to join us this year, we hope to see you at the 3rd Annual Economic Opportunity Awards ceremony next year!